Zimbabwe: Herald Continues to Rule the Roost

17 April 2024

The Herald continues to be the most read daily newspaper in the country, results from the latest Zimbabwe All Media Products Survey (ZAMPS) reveal.

According to the report, The Herald maintained its grip on pole position as the most read daily newspaper, with 48 percent of those who had read any daily newspaper in the last four weeks having read it.

Of those, 45 percent read the physical copy, 33 percent online, 20 percent on WhatsApp platform and 3 percent on Facebook.

Chronicle, which is another daily publication under the Zimpapers stable, claimed 12 percent readership, while H-Metro had 9 percent.

In the weekly newspapers category, The Sunday Mail maintained its dominance, with 66,53 percent of those who had read any weekly paper in the past four weeks having read it.

The Sunday News came second with 30,54 percent of the readership.

B-Metro is ranked fourth with 9,74 percent readership, Manica Post is fifth with 9,68 percent and Kwayedza sixth with 6,17 percent readership.

Umthunywa is ranked eighth with 5,23 percent readership.

In the radio category, Star FM, also owned by Zimpapers, came first with 37 percent of those who listened to radio in the past four weeks, while Capitalk FM is ranked fifth with 14 percent and Diamond FM came eighth with 7,2 percent of listenership.

In terms of television, Zimpapers Television Network (ZTN) came second, claiming 2 percent of viewers in the past four weeks.

Reacting to the ZAMPS report last night, Zimpapers CEO Mr Pikirayi Deketeke said despite the headwinds confronting the media business due to digital migration, the latest survey results "show that our newspapers, radios and television channel are not only resilient but continue to be market leaders in Zimbabwe".

"We are very pleased that the majority of Zimbabweans still consider our content to be the most relevant across all media platforms.

"Our major newspapers that include The Herald and The Sunday Mail, are still the market leaders in the print media while the others such as the Chronicle, H-Metro, Sunday News and Manica Post also command significant readership.

"Our radio stations and the television channel have also recorded tremendous growth in listenership and viewership, with Star FM emerging as Zimbabwe's top radio station in most cities," said Mr Deketeke.

He added that it was pleasant to note that Capitalk FM, which is based in Harare, is the third most listened to radio in the capital city while Diamond FM in Mutare is a "cut above all radio stations listened to in the Eastern Highlands".

"Our television channel ZTN has shown tremendous growth from 0,6 percent listenership last year to 2 percent while its competition has drastically fallen in viewership.

"This gives us confidence that our investment in both television and radio is now bearing tremendous fruit.

"We will continue to invest in all our media products to make sure that our content is the most sought after by Zimbabwean readers, listeners and viewers as well as digital followers," said Mr Deketeke.

The ZAMPS is an independent board mandated to monitor and undertake independent market research on behalf of advertisers, the media, publishers, advertising agencies and public relations consultants in the country.

The ZAMPS report seeks to gather yearly data on different media and product consumption.

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