Africa: Online Dangers to Freedom of Expression and Climate Communication - Unesco World Press Freedom Day Event

press release

Together with Access Now and IPANDETEC, we're hosting a side event at the UNESCO 2024 World Press Freedom Day Conference on the online dangers to freedom of expression in Latin America and the fundamental links to environmental and climate communication globally.

Central America stands out as one of the most hostile regions for the practice of journalism in the Americas. Various organisations report experiences ranging from judicial harassment to imprisonment and even murder.

But increasingly attacks also take place in the digital environment. These tactics deprive journalists of the ability to fully exercise their right to freedom of expression in a safe manner.

At a wider level, online hate, disinformation, and other digital threats present growing obstacles to reporting and communicating climate change. Journalists, climate scientists, and environmental defenders have long been instrumental to public understanding of our changing climate: documenting its shifts, sounding the alarm on its effects, and clarifying its remedies. But online harassment and abuse against them can have serious impacts on well-being and imperil their work.

The event

Our event at the UNESCO 2024 World Press Freedom Day Conference looks at the online dangers to freedom of expression in Latin America and the intrinsic links to environmental and climate communication globally.

Bringing together experts, journalists and human rights defenders, we explore the challenges of online violence and related threats to democracy and climate action. Speakers will also share practices to promote resilient journalism and information ecosystems in the digital age.

Speakers include:

  • Paolo Nigro Herrero, Digital Security Helpline Shift Manager, Access Now
  • Yamlek Mojica, LAC Communications and Engagement Officer, Access Now
  • Disha Ravi, Climate justice activist, Fridays for the Future India
  • Henry Peck, Campaigner on Digital Threats, Global Witness
  • Gabriel Cajiga, Vice President, IPANDETEC
  • Roxana Muñoz, Researcher, IPANDETEC

When: 4th May 2024, 9:00 - 10:30 am CLT (UTC-4)

Where: Centro Cultural Gabriela Mistral, Santiago, Chile (online details to follow)

Find out more and register for this year's conference, "A Press for the Planet: Journalism in the face of the Environmental Crisis".

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