Malawi: Wages of Sin - Escom Vandal Dies Due to Burns After Electrocution

18 April 2024

32-year old man has died after getting electrocuted while vandalising ESCOM cables at Maselema in Blantyre.

Limbe Police Station spokesperson, Aubrey Singanya Dickson Khoviwa has succumbed to the burn wounds at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital in Blantyre.

Singanya said on Wednesday last week, police took the 32-year-old Khoviwa to the hospital after they found him writhing in pain after the ordeal.

"Police are still hunting for the accomplice of the deceased, a Bangwe Number 1 resident who is only known as Mafo," says Singanya.

Meanwhile, ESCOM Chief Public Relations Officer, Kitty Chingota, has called on the public to report cases of vandalism to the police or ESCOM office.

Khoviwa hailed from Nasawa Village, Traditional Authority Kumtumanji in Zomba District.

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