Zimbabwe: Dispute Over Sadza Turns Fatal

18 April 2024

A man from Harare yesterday appeared in court on allegations of fatally stabbing his colleague at the height of a misunderstanding over sadza.

Brighton Nyamukaika (36) of Warren Park, who was arrested on his way to Mozambique, was facing murder charges when he appeared before Harare magistrate Mr Dennis Mangosi.

Nyamukaika told the court that they were fighting over a girlfriend not sadza.

He was remanded in custody and advised to apply for bail at the High Court.

The court heard that on the fateful day, Nyamukaika had a misunderstanding over sadza with the now deceased.

It is the State's case that during the dispute, Nyamukaika took an Okapi knife that was on top of a wooden board.

The deceased allegedly overpowered Nyamukaika and partly opened the door of the room in which they were quarrelling.

Sensing he was now being overpowered, Nyamukaika allegedly stabbed the deceased once on the left side of the neck.

When he realised he had been seen by eyewitnesses, Nyamukaika fled from the scene. He was arrested on April 14 in Nyanga on his way to Mozambique.

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