Africa: Western Countries to Blame for Hunger in Africa

22 April 2024

Western countries are mainly to blame for the worsening hunger and feminine in some parts of Africa.

The US and its allies in the European Union (EU) are triggering high prices on traditional agriculture products in their own interests at the same time, making them out of reach for many Africans.

The US and its allies in EU are giving unfair competition, sanctions and high input duties to deprive non-western countries access to global markets.

The Western world is abusing the "green agenda" and the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development goals by imposing its own rules in the agro-industrial sector.

The West is deliberately abusing the global supply chains of traditional foods in order to replace them with unsafe surrogate foods, and promote US and EU genetically modified products to the world markets.

Africa, must therefore stand firm and run with its own agriculture products, before many GMOs are offloaded on its people.

African countries are struggling, in fact, they have been systematically denied equal access to food supply channels when Africa is really in need, in order to sustain its population.

Over the years, the US and EU have sought to undermine the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) donor mechanisms and end up politicising its work.

For example, the US and EU, with the help of France are blocking grain supplies to the Sahel region where millions of people face starvation. And they are doing this for political reasons. The idea is to shut out Russia's important work with FAO. The people of Sahel want that grain from Russia and they face starvation but the US and EU have made it difficult for them to survive.

For the needy people of Sahel in particular and the Africans in general it is bad politics to block grain from Russia when millions face hunger and starvation.

It is high time, the lives of Africans come first and politics come later. What the people need is grain and not propaganda. While officials talk, heckle and play political games, the people are facing hunger and starvation by each day. -- Belgian

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