Uganda: Centenary Bank Commits Shs100 Million to Rotary District Conference

23 April 2024

Centenary Bank managing director Fabian Kasi joined Rotarians at Mapeera House on Tuesday to fortify their support for the upcoming Rotary District conference, slated for 99thDCA.

In a gesture of unwavering commitment to community service, Centenary Bank proudly presented a cheque of Shs100 million to aid in the realisation of Rotary's impactful initiatives.

The gathering, attended by District Governor Rtn. Francisco Ssemwanga, Past District Governor Rtn. Emmanuel Katongole, Rotarian Gorretti Masadde, and District Rotaract Representative Elect Joseph Batter Ssengoba, showcased the unity and dedication that define Rotary's mission.

Addressing the assembly, Kasi expressed his enthusiasm for the collaboration.

"Centenary Bank is deeply honored to partner with Rotary in advancing the noble causes that uplift our communities," he said.

"Our commitment to service aligns seamlessly with Rotary's ethos, and we are privileged to contribute to the success of the upcoming District conference."

District Governor Francisco Ssemwanga lauded Centenary Bank's generous contribution, emphasizing the transformative impact it would have on Rotary's endeavors.

"This significant donation from Centenary Bank exemplifies the spirit of philanthropy and solidarity that defines Rotary," he said.

"With their support, we can further our mission of fostering positive change and sustainable development within our communities."

Reflecting on the significance of the moment, PDG Rtn. Emmanuel Katongole echoed sentiments of gratitude and optimism.

"Centenary Bank's contribution underscores the power of partnership in driving meaningful change. Together, we can continue to inspire action, promote goodwill, and make a lasting difference in the lives of those we serve."

The generous donation from Centenary Bank not only underscores their unwavering commitment to social responsibility but also reinforces Rotary's capacity to effect positive change on a significant scale.

As preparations for the District conference gather momentum, the collective efforts of Centenary Bank and Rotary promise to ignite hope, foster collaboration, and create lasting impact across communities.

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