Kenya: Two Police Officers Arrested Over Illegal Sale of Ammunition in Laikipia

Nairobi Kenya — A Chief Inspector of police and Police Constable have been arrested in Laikipia in connection with the recovery of 2,658 bullets.

The officers drawn from the Anti-Stock Theft Unit Sondu Camp are suspected to be part of syndicate that is allegedly involved with selling ammunition to criminals.

National Police Service has confirmed the duo will remain in custody for four days to allow them complete their investigations.

The two officers, alongside Josphat Karanja and his wife Teresiah Wairimu in whose house the bullets were nabbed, will now appear before Kibera Law Courts on Friday, April 26.

"The officers were arraigned before court today, April 22, 2024, in a miscellaneous application seeking custody of the abused persons for a period of four days which was granted," read a statement from NPS.

The four suspects will now appear before the Kibera Law Court on Friday, April 26, 2024.

Inspector General of Police Japheth Koome stated that the officers remain suspended from the National Police Service (NPS) pending the outcome of the legal proceedings.

The IG indicated that National Police Service remains committed to striving for the highest standards of professionalism in the service and amongst its officers.

"In addition, we wish to assure the public that stern action will be taken against any officer involved in such unethical conduct regardless of rank," Koome said.

Koome cautions the public from engaging in unauthorized purchase, possession, manufacture, and sale of firearms and ammunition and instead report such criminal activities to the nearest police station.

He said such reports can be relayed to the police via toll-free hotlines 999, 911 and 112 or via FichuaKwaDCI 0800-722-2-23.

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