Uganda: Among to MPs - Monitor Shs93 Billion Release for District Roads

Kampala, Uganda — Speaker of Parliament, Anita Among, has announced the release of about Shs93 billion to districts, cities and municipalities across the country, being the final payment from the Uganda Road Fund for this financial year.

Broken down, each of the 135 districts, 11 cities and 41 municaplities will receive Shs500 million.

Among tasked MPs with supervising the usage of the funds. "I hope you will go to your constituencies and monitor the funds," she said in her communication to the House at the start of plenary on Wednesday, 24 April 2024.

The Government Chief Whip, Denis Hamson Obua, confirmed the release, which he said comes on the backdrop of complaints on the state of mainly feeder roads.

MP Francis Mwijukye (FDC, Buhweju County) cautioned against use of the funds to maintain district road equipment, saying that would 'eat' into funds meant for badly needed road works.

In her communication, the Speaker also condemned a news report which published unsubstantiated allegations against Parliament and MPs, with specific regard to the ongoing rationalisation process.

"MPs legislate for their constituents, for the people; nobody was can you bribe the whole House? What did they want to achieve? Do they want the public to hate Parliament?" she said.

A section of the media carried reports of alleged impropriety on the part of MPs, which Speaker Among said made no specific references, but all the same flashed an alarmist headline which could tarnish the reputation of MPs.

She called for fair and professional reporting on Parliament by the press

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