Mozambique: Registration of Ghost Voters in Chókwè

Our correspondents in Chókwè, Gaza, saw non-existent voters being registered in some posts. During their observation rounds, they found typists introducing information into the computer without a single voter registering. Chókwè was the district where many of the 300,000 ghost voters of 2019 were registered.

In the posts at the Canhine EP1 and the Chacuarine EP1, the typists, accompanied by the Frelimo Party monitors, were busy introducing data into the machines, while the other brigade members were standing around talking, and there were no monitors from opposition parties.

The photo below shows no voters in in the queue, so the voters being registered must be a long queue of ghosts which we cannot see.

At Canhine EP1, the typist ignored the presence of observers and continued inputting information, the content of which it was not possible to ascertain. During the hour in which the observers were present at the post, the typist did not stop data input.

At Chacuarine EP1, observers found the typist copying data from the telephone onto the computer. When they saw that observers were present, all the brigade members who were outside, plus the police, came back inside the post. The typist stopped closed the computer. Immediately the supervisor began to make phone calls denouncing the presence of the observers.

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