Uganda: Blacklist Unscrupulous Leaders, Bobi Tells Bugiri

NUP President, Robert Kyagulanyi, alias Bobi Wine, addressing the media.
29 April 2024

Bugiri — The National Unity Platform (NUP) president, Mr Robert Kyagulanti, has called on the party's supporters to blacklist leaders who only good at fronting persona; interests than concerns of people who voted for them.

While addressing NUP supporters at Nankoma playground in Nankoma Town Council, Bugiri District, Mr Kyagulanyi, aka Bobi Wine, reiterated that voters need to shun leaders who short-change them.

He said shunning such leaders is rational especially at the time when "traces of moles" within the party have manifested.

Mr Kyagulanyi asked NUP supporters to refrain from bickering and focus on the struggle to defeat President Museveni.

"Uganda's problem is Museveni and so we are still enthusiastic to take up power even if Museveni corrupts whoever we appoint using our money," he said.

While Mr Kyagulanyi did avoided being explicit, recent fallout within his own party leaves his message clear that he was asking for those within the party who have strayed the course to be abandoned.

A rift developed in the NUP after it emerged that former Leader of the Opposition Mathias Mpuuga negotiated and took Shs500 million from the taxpayer under the so-called "service award" given to parliamentary commissioners.

Mr Mpuuga was suspended from his position of deputy president for Buganda after he refused to take responsibility for his alleged corruption, leaving the party pillar with huge cracks.

"I was alone and when I went to Parliament, I first came here and you chanted People Power and we became victors, only that 'munange tikamutegela' (I don't understand him)," Kyagulanyi said.

He said he was still pursuing the mission of reaching out to people who still think like him and who are patriotic.

The Opposition leader said that countrywide tour is yet to take its course and asked NUP members to be accommodative when new members join the struggle.

Mr Kyagulanyi was speaking at the Busoga Foot Soldiers sports gala finals in Nankoma Town Council at which Puma defeated Magic 1-0 in the football final.

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