Uganda: Bobi Wine Urges Busoga to Challenge Leaders Aligning With Museveni

29 April 2024

The leader of the National Unity Platform (NUP), Robert Kyagulanyi, alias Bobi Wine, has called upon the people of Busoga to take action against their leaders who have chosen to associate with President Museveni.

He urged them to express their discontent by casting a vote of no confidence in these leaders.

Kyagulanyi made these statements on Sunday during the NUP party Foot-soldiers' Tournament held in Bugiri district.

The event was organised by the sports department, led by Ali Buken, also known as Nubian Li.

Dressed in his signature revolutionary red overall attire, Kyagulanyi was warmly welcomed by the enthusiastic crowds who had eagerly awaited his presence since the suspension of the party's Country Wide Tour last year.

"Whenever you encounter individuals aligning themselves with the oppressor, I implore you to express your lack of confidence in such individuals through your vote," Kyagulanyi said.

"These are the people who joined our cause for their own self-interest. Our mission remains steadfast. Comrade Nubian has already informed you that Museveni is the calamity plaguing our country."

Amidst cheers and applause from the crowd, Kyagulanyi emphasised that no amount of money could bribe the people of Busoga into relinquishing their problems.

He strongly condemned corruption within the government and criticized opposition leaders who prioritize personal gains over the interests of the people they are meant to represent.

"Even if you manage to buy off one leader, it will not solve the evictions affecting fishing communities around the lake. How much would you offer a Busoga leader to address the issue of sugar prices, which are manipulated by investors at the expense of out-growers? How much would you offer a leader to rectify the deteriorating state of our healthcare and education sectors?" he questioned.

He further urged the masses to isolate leaders who betray the cause and align themselves with the oppressive regime.

"So, when you come across a politician selling out, add them to the blacklist. Museveni is afraid of us. He now witnesses our youth donning revolutionary overalls, and he panics, resorting to spending money to buy off political leaders," he added.

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