Uganda: Museveni Has Turned State House Into a Pecking Hub, Says FDC

29 April 2024

The Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) has accused President Museveni of converting State House into a hub where he lavishly allocates taxpayer money to his allies and associates for personal gain.

Walid Lubega Mulindwa, the Deputy Secretary of Publicity in Charge of Publications and Documentation at FDC Najjanankumbi, expressed grave concern over the habitual misuse of taxpayers' funds by NRM political elites.

"A glaring example is Dei International, a company engaged in local pharmaceutical manufacturing. Parliament is set to convene tomorrow to deliberate on a supplementary budget exceeding shs585 billion for this entity. Yet, the same government previously granted this political entrepreneur shs75 billion for vaccine manufacturing, with no tangible outcome. This, to us, appears to be a scam," he said.

In a statement, Mulindwa questioned whether the government conducted a feasibility study before granting this substantial sum, considering the urgency at the end of the financial year.

"We seem to be witnessing a recurring pattern. Last year, Parliament approved a supplementary budget of shs165 billion for Mr. Ruparelia Sudhir to complete the International Convention Centre at Speke Resort Munyonyo," he noted.

Following the completion of the facility, Mulindwa alleged that the government rented it for the NAM conference, a move he deemed absurd.

"It's akin to someone building a house and then leasing it to themselves. It's utterly ludicrous," he emphasised.

The same trend of political entrepreneurship is evident in Enrica Pinetti, who often emerges in dubious transactions.

"Museveni presented her as an investor, only for it to be revealed that she was granted free land to construct a health facility in Lubowa, Wakiso District, on prime land," Mulindwa disclosed.

The government acquired a loan of 1.1 trillion Ugandan shillings to facilitate this purported investor's hospital construction, which remains nonexistent. "Lubowa stands deserted, off-limits even to the Speaker of Parliament and the Leader of the Opposition, despite budgetary allocations, including a supplementary budget," Mulindwa lamented.

He also highlighted Peneti's failed attempt to monopolize coffee exports, thwarted by Parliament.

"As Ugandans endure crippling poverty and oppressive taxation, funds extracted from them are squandered on these political entrepreneurs, who thrive on the populace's suffering."

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