Uganda: Sanctions - I've No Pussycat in UK, Says Speaker Among

Ugandan MPs debate (file photo).

The Speaker of Parliament, Ms Anita Among, says sanctions the UK slapped her with are politically motivated and whatever the case, she has nothing to lose because he does not even own a pussycat in Britain.

"I'm carrying a cross for 48 million Ugandans because of the Anti-Homosexuality Act we passed in 2023," Ms Among told journalists in her first media address on the matter today, Friday.

The Speaker, who was addressing members of the Fourth Estate on World Press Freedom Day, said she is not threatened by the sanctions.

Among told Parliament that she's is witch-hunted after she led a crusade to oppose proliferation of "bad Western culture" into Uganda.

" I don't have any properties in UK, not even a pussycat," she said nonchalantly. "Go ahead and freeze them, and see if I will complain."

On April 30, the UK government announced sanctions against Speaker Among and two former ministers for Karamoja affairs, Mary Goretti Kitutu and Agnes Nandutu, citing their involvement in corruption.

Under the UK's Global Anti-Corruption sanctions regime, Among, Mary Kitutu, and Agnes Nandutu will face travel bans and asset freezes.

The UK government stated that Kitutu and Nandutu embezzled thousands of iron sheets from a government-funded housing project designed to assist vulnerable communities in Karamoja.

Among was found to have benefited from the proceeds of the theft, according to London's statement.

"The UK is sending a clear message that benefiting at the expense of others is not acceptable. Corruption has consequences, and those responsible will be held accountable," said Britain's deputy foreign minister Andrew Mitchell.

"The actions of these individuals, who took aid meant for those in need and kept the proceeds for themselves, represent the epitome of corruption and have no place in society."

But Ms Among, like in every other previous instance where she has come under pressure for corruption, is blaming her woes on the antigay law passed in May last year.

She told Parliament that she's is witch-hunted after she led a crusade to oppose proliferation of "bad Western culture" into Uganda.

"We will not allow 'bumshafters' in our country and they should respect our cultures," she said.

However, Mr Robert Kyagulanyi, president of the National Unity Platform who admitted to lobbying for the sanctions, has rubbished the anti-gay excuses.

"That is a lie, the public should disregard such claims by the implicated leader that they are aimed over the anti-gay law. If that was the case, the mover of the motion Asuman Basalirwa would be equally sanctioned," Kyagulanyi said.

Members of Parliament are demanding a formal debate on the UK sanctions to express their dissatisfaction and have threatened to withdraw from the Commonwealth Speakers Conference currently chaired by Uganda.

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