Uganda: National Population Census - Ugandans Urged to Give Accurate Information

Uganda is on the cusp of its sixth national census, but this time with a twist: it's going digital! Scheduled to begin on May 9th, 2024, the 10-day exercise aims to gather comprehensive data on Ugandan households to guide future development efforts.

The importance of accurate information cannot be overstated, according to the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS). The census will collect details on household composition, wealth, and access to essential services. This data is vital for the government to effectively plan and deliver services that meet the needs of its citizens.

However, concerns linger that some residents might be hesitant to provide complete information. UBOS officials are actively addressing these anxieties by assuring complete confidentiality. Albert Byamugisha, UBOS board chairperson, emphasizes that "any information given is confidential and won't be shared with anyone."

To ensure a smooth and inclusive process, the government has declared May 10th a public holiday, allowing Ugandans ample time to participate. Enumerators equipped with digital tablets will visit homes throughout the 10-day period to collect data.

This digital approach marks a significant shift from traditional paper-based methods. By leveraging technology, UBOS expects to achieve greater accuracy and timeliness in data collection and analysis. The digital census is also seen as a catalyst for broader digital transformation in Uganda.

A successful census hinges on the cooperation of all Ugandans. By providing accurate and complete information, citizens can empower the government to make informed decisions regarding resource allocation, infrastructure development, and social program implementation. Ultimately, a well-conducted census paves the way for a brighter future for Uganda.

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