Uganda: Leaders Warn Against Hiding People With Disabilities During Census

With only a few days left until the census night, leaders in the Wakiso district have urged the population to include individuals with disabilities in the enumeration exercise.

They stressed the importance of providing accurate information about this category of people.

James Muwonge, the head of statistics and methodology at the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS), assured the public that arrangements have been made for people with disabilities, including the provision of sign language interpreters.

"I appeal to all parents with persons with disabilities not to leave them behind or hide them. These are Ugandans who require services," Muwonge said.

The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), Alfred Malinga, urged Ugandans to stay at home on Friday to ensure the success of the process, assuring them that preparations have been made.

"The necessary materials are available, and we have recruited extra enumerators. Those who attempt to avoid participating in the exercise will face consequences afterwards," he stated.

The Resident District Commissioner of Wakiso district, Justine Mbabazi, emphasised their responsibility for security and the safekeeping of materials.

She called upon the public to cooperate with enumerators to ensure a successful exercise.

Chairperson of Wakiso district, Matia Lwanga Bwanika, highlighted the significance of the census for Wakiso, given its rapid growth, urbanization, and migration.

"We must gather actual scientific facts and figures to understand the situation in the district. I request everyone in Wakiso to come forth and support this exercise," he stated.

Bwanika requested that people remain at home, especially during the census night, and urged landlords to inform their house helps and assistants to cooperate fully.

He also warned the population about potential fraudsters taking advantage of the census and cautioned them to be vigilant.

"This is a national event, and we appeal to those who are away to inform those at home to cooperate with the authorities, as they will be conducting the identification process," he explained.

He appealed to leaders from LC 1 onwards to collaborate in sensitizing the community and ensuring that everyone fulfils their responsibilities.

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