Malawi: Bon Kalindo Still Not Free - Testifies in a Case of Inciting Violence in Mangochi

Senior Resident Magistrate Court in Mangochi has today started parading defense witnesses from a case where Bon Kalindo is answering charges on charges of inciting violence during 30 November 2023 demostrations in the district.

The First Witness to testify was the the accused himself Kalindo who during his testimony played a video on how he conducted himself before he delivered the petition at the Office of the District Commissioner.

In the video Kalindo is repeatedly was seen pleading with demostrators not to engage in any act of violence but rather go home after petitioning their concerns.

In its testimony earlier on the State accused Kalindo of banging the gate at the DC's office and uttered demining words towards the current Leadership, which they believe prompted the demostrators to rioting.

Meanwhile Senior Resident Magistrate Muhammad Chande has adjourned hearing the case until 30th May where he will continue hearing testimony from the remaining four witnesses from the defense.

Bon Kalindo on 9 April found with a case to answer for inciting violence during the 30 November 2023 ant-Kwacha 44 percent devaluation demostrations.

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