Ethiopia: A Boon to Ethiopia's Diplomatic Clout

As one of the first members of the League of Nations, which eventually became the United Nations and the African Union, Ethiopia has been at the forefront of international diplomacy. Being the only free African nation, the country has achieved diplomatic success with the establishment of the Organization of African Union which headquarters in its capital Addis Ababa.

In addition to being the political and diplomatic hub of Africa, Addis Ababa, is also the world's third diplomatic hub. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), 134 nations currently have embassies in Addis Ababa. Cape Verde and Armenia have been the newest nations to have opened embassies in Addis Ababa.

Ethiopia actively engages with multilateral organizations such as the African Union, UN Security Council, and World Trade Organization, advocating Africa's interests on issues ranging from climate change to global governance. Ethiopia has sustained long and historic diplomacy and foreign relations which spanned from the neighbor states to overseas on wide ranges of areas.

Ethiopia's role in peacekeeping and peacemaking, its contribution of troops to the efforts of the UN to avert escalations of wars and conflicts beginning with the Korean War in the early 1950s and the crisis in Congo with the Katanga War in 1960 have been repeatedly acknowledged and deserved awards and recognitions in the international sphere. Ethiopia has also deserved the reputation as a peace loving country not being involved in any transgressions of international law.

The country has established itself as the anchor state driving regional cooperation and the diplomatic centre of the continent throughout the years, despite the ups and downs. It has been signing cooperative agreements to promote regional development in the Horn of Africa. The region is now connected to electricity and road networks thanks to the successful efforts. Furthermore, the nation has been promoting regional cooperation for sea access recently.

The country's leadership in regional organizations like the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), a regional body that advances development, security, and peace throughout the Horn of Africa, serves as evidence of its dedication to regional integration. Ethiopia has led the way in mediating disputes and encouraging communication between member states since it was a founding member.

In addition to its diplomatic endeavors, the nation has made a substantial contribution to tackling regional issues like food shortages, climate change, and refugee crises. The nation's commitment to humanitarian aid and regional solidarity is demonstrated by its readiness to take in around one million refugees from neighboring countries and other areas.

Ethiopia is dedicated to using inclusive and varied diplomacy on bilateral and international stages to further its national objectives by strengthening the public's inclusive participation in contemporary diplomatic activities, and Ethiopia's diplomatic influence. Insightful panel discussions, the publication of two new books, and six thought-provoking study articles will all be included.

In addition to being the political and diplomatic hub of Africa, Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, also acts as the continent's third diplomatic seat. The great reputation of Addis Ababa as one of the world's leading diplomatic centers has far-reaching political, economic, and social ramifications. The diplomatic expo is evidence of Ethiopia's commitment to elevating Addis Ababa's status as a preeminent diplomatic hub.

Speaking to the media, Ambassador Birtukan Ayano, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, highlighted that some 134 countries have established embassies in Addis Ababa to date.

Stating that the number of countries opening and interested in opening their embassies in the capital is increasing, the State Minister said that this trend underscores Addis Ababa's enduring status as a diplomatic nucleus.

She said that by increasing the international competitiveness of the city and efficiently fulfilling the responsibilities expected of Ethiopia as a country, work will be done to ensure that the country becomes a global diplomatic epicenter.

In his previous interview, the spokesperson of the ministry, Nebyu Tedla said the interest of countries to open embassies in Addis Ababa is increasing. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs disclosed that several countries establishing embassies in Addis Ababa have reached 134.

He highlighted that 134 countries have their diplomatic missions in Addis Ababa. The number of African countries that have opened diplomatic missions in Addis Ababa has reached 53, it was indicated.

"Thus, this demonstrates that Addis Ababa has become among the largest diplomatic hubs in the world," he said, adding efforts will continue to make Addis Ababa a comfortable seat to both the diplomatic community and international organizations.

Moreover, he elaborated that Ethiopia's political, economic and diplomatic ties with European countries are growing solid.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Sied Muhumed Jibril, has presented his letter of credentials to the President of Iraq, Abdullatif Jemal Rashid, in a ceremony held at Salam Palace in Baghdad.

On the occasion, Ambassador Sied has conveyed the good wishes of President Sahle-Work Zewde to the President of Iraq, ENA reported.

He also underscored the existing close relations between the two countries and pledged to work towards the consolidation and strengthening of these bilateral ties in all areas with renewed vigour.

The Ambassador further expressed his gratitude to the Iraqi government for its initiative to re-open its embassy in Ethiopia and expressed the readiness of the Ethiopian government to provide the necessary assistance to Iraq.

President of the Republic of Iraq Abdullatif Jemal Rashid, on his part, expressed gratitude for the goodwill wishes of the Ethiopian president and stated that Iraq will continue to strengthen its bilateral and multilateral relations with Ethiopia.

To ensure this, the president stated that the Iraqi government will once again re-open its embassy in Ethiopia and expressed its gratitude for accepting its request to reopen its embassy in Ethiopia.

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