Central African Republic - African Development Bank and Civil Society Commit to Inclusive, Sustainable Development

10 May 2024
Content from a Premium Partner
African Development Bank (Abidjan)

The African Development Bank Group and civil society in the Central African Republic have committed to working together for inclusive sustainable development in the country. This crucial collaboration will help guarantee a full alignment of the Bank's interventions with the needs and priorities of CAR's population. The commitment arose from the consultation meeting organized in Bangui on 30 April.

The main findings and recommendations of the Bank's Country Diagnostic Note with its main priorities -- institutional and economic governance, human capital development and social inclusion, generating value from and transforming natural capital, national and regional connectivity, agriculture and rural development -- were discussed.

CSO representatives, including members of the Consortium of CSOs in the Central African Republic, actively shared their expertise and perspectives on the country's challenges. They praised the Bank's initiative and made practical recommendations to document the finalization of the Country Diagnostic Note and the design of the Bank's intervention programs to align them more closely with the country's realities, including the following.

  • Promoting inclusive, transparent governance and building institutional capacity for efficient management of public resources
  • Improving access to education and basic services, actively involving civil society at every stage of Bank projects
  • Developing local transformation streams and capacity building for national economic actors, and supporting women's empowerment and agricultural sector development
  • Investing in conflict prevention and resolution training and awareness-raising

The Bank reiterated its commitment to taking these recommendations into account and strengthening its partnership with civil society. Both committed to building a better future for the Central African Republic, with inclusive, prosperous sustainable development aligned with the population's expectations.

"Consulting and involving civil society are essential for developing our strategies. This meeting demonstrates our willingness to work hand in hand with key actors on the ground to ensure that our actions meet the fundamental aspirations of people in the Central African Republic," commented Mamady Souaré, the Bank's Country Manager in the CAR.

"We are delighted by the Bank's commitment to involving civil society in the development of its Country Diagnostic Note," said Gilbert Nengbi Kovoungbo, national coordinator of the Consortium of Civil Society Organizations in the Central African Republic. "This participatory approach is essential for ensuring that the Bank's projects meet the population's expectations and contribute to fair, long-term development in the Central African Republic."

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