Zimbabwe: Contractor On Site for Mhandamabwe Road

Under construction.

Work on the US$41 million reconstruction of the Shurugwi-Mhandamabwe Road in the Midlands province has started, igniting excitement among motorists and those living along the road.

Road Trackers Construction, a company contracted by Government to undertake the reconstruction, has since opened detour routes and started tarring some sections.

The scope of the project entails widening and constructing the 43km road, which connects Beitbridge Border Post to major towns and cities which include Gweru, Kwekwe, Chegutu, Kadoma, Chinhoyi, Karoi and Chirundu Border Post. The project, which is expected to be completed within 12 months, will enhance trade and promote economic growth in the province.

Local people have commended the Government for implementing the project, saying it was a vital initiative as it has created employment opportunities and stimulated trade and investment in the province.

Yesterday, graders and tippers among other earthmoving equipment were at the site where construction works were underway.

"We are happy that the project has started and as you have seen, the contractor has since created detours on some sections of the road to pave the way for the work. We are also happy that the project has generated employment for the locals," said Mrs Prisca Chikwee from Siliwe Village.

Chief Banga said some transport operators were now avoiding the road because of its bad state, resulting in transport challenges.

"This is a positive development which is a huge relief for us as locals, especially businesses, as they were feeling the pinch due to transport challenges after some public transport operators pulled out of the route because of the poor state of the road," he said.

Midlands Provincial Affairs and Devolution Minister Owen Ncube said the road will help accelerate provincial Gross Domestic Product and provide a cost-effective route for corporates and mining giants to international markets.

Under the infrastructure, utilities and digital economy cluster, Zimbabwe's economic blueprint, the National Development Strategy, prioritises the rehabilitation of roads.

The main aspirations of NDS1 include infrastructure development as a key enabler in attaining Vision 2030 of an upper middle-income economy.

Minister Ncube said the road will create the shortest and most cost-effective route for corporates and mining giants to international markets through South Africa and Mozambique.

"The road enhances people-to-people interaction, unity, and social cohesion as it provides the shortest route to sister provinces of Masvingo, Manicaland and Matabeleland South.

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