Southern Africa: Global Fund Provides 126 Million Dollars for Angola's Health System

Luanda — The Global Fund will make US$126 million available to fight malaria, tuberculosis and HIV in Angola, the head of the organization's Africa and Middle East department, Caty Fall Sow, said on Thursday in Luanda.

Caty Fall Sow, who announced the fact to the press at the end of a meeting with Members of the Parliament from the 5th Committee of the National Assembly, dedicated to Economy and Finance issues, the financing will be used in the provinces of Benguela, Cuanza-Sul and Bié.

Caty Fall Sow explained that the choice of these provinces took into account the health profile, mortality and mobility rate, infrastructure, among other factors.

In turn, parliamentarian João Mpila said that the Economy and Finance Committee will continue to work, mainly in terms of supervision, for the execution of these financings.

"We will continue to monitor, because we know that when these projects are not fulfilled the percentage of unfulfilled responsibilities is exactly the percentage of the cut made, and that is not what we want", he said.

The Global Fund is an organization focused on combating the HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria pandemic.

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