Namibia: EU Ambassador Marks Europe Day in Namibia, Emphasises Green Hydrogen Partnership

European Union (EU) ambassador to Namibia Ana Beatriz Martins hosted a reception at the union's residence in Windhoek to celebrate Europe Day on Tuesday.

The event brought together dignitaries such as deputy minister of international relations and cooperation Jenelly Matundu, speaker of the National Assembly Peter Katjavivi, and Windhoek mayor Queen Kamati.

Martins focused on the historical significance of the Schuman Declaration, signed on 9 May 1950, which paved the way for the formation of the European Union, and underscored the EU's core principles of solidarity, peace, security, democracy, and human rights.

"Sadly, ever more, the values we believed universal are being challenged. Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine is a manifest violation of international law, including the United Nations Charter, especially the principles of territorial integrity and sovereignty," she said.

Martins also focused on the robust EU-Namibia partnership on climate change.

She commended Namibia's dedication to fostering green industrialisation, and reiterated the EU's ambitious goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2050.

"This shared objective of accelerating sustainable and inclusive green growth is at the core of the EU-Namibia partnership. Namibia is a true ally when it comes to advancing the transition to a green and just economy," Martins said.

She lauded former president Geingob's instrumental role in establishing the groundbreaking strategic partnership with the EU on green hydrogen and critical raw materials.

"We believe by working together, we can unlock the immense potential of Africa and Europe for a more prosperous future - especially for our young people," Martins said.

She highlighted the EU's support for Namibia's early childhood development programme and initiatives promoting good governance and combating gender-based violence

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