Zimbabwe: Woman Kills Aunt in Row Over Electricity Usage

A DISPUTE over how to utilise electricity turned deadly after Nella Kundai (27) fatally stabbed her aunt, Dorothy Matongo (41), three times on her chest with a knife.

Kundai and the now deceased were staying at the same house in Vengere suburb in Rusape.

According to sources, the two disagreed over an electricity bill, with Kundai refusing to pay, claiming incapacitation.

Matongo is said to have sympathised with her relative and paid US$5 to restore electricity which had run out, but specified the energy was only for lighting, and not cooking.

However, Kundai ignored this instruction and used electricity to cook, leading to a heated argument which degenerated into a bloody fight.

Matongo sustained injuries and was rushed to Mutare, but tragically passed away on her way at Chipembere around 8PM.

Sources who spoke to NewZimbabwe.com during a recent visit to Rusape said if law enforcement agents had responded promptly, Matongo's life might have been saved.

The now deceased's family had previously reported the escalating tensions to the police, but their pleas were dismissed, with authorities stating that a crime needed to be committed first before they could intervene.

Daughter of the now deceased only identified as Prime blamed the police for failing to do their work properly.

"Despite the family's attempts to seek help from the authorities, out pleas were not heard," said Prime.

"I went to the police station and told them about the growing tension between my mother and Kundai, but the police did not take action.

"Shockingly, they told me that l should only report the incident after my mother had been stabbed," she claimed.

She insists that if police had responded promptly, her mother's life might have been saved.

Prime also sustained injuries after she was struck in her stomach by a toilet seat while trying to stop the fracas.

Community elder, Eunice Muhwihwa expressed deep sadness over the loss, calling on police to fulfill their duties effectively.

"The tragic death serves as a reminder of the importance of timely intervention and conflict resolution in preventing such senseless acts of violence," Muhwihwa said.

Matongo's churchmate only identified as Mai Muchena also raised questions about the failure of the justice system to intervene and prevent such a tragedy.

Kundai is in custody facing murder charges and expected to appear in court soon.

Matongo left behind three daughters and one son.

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