Zimbabwe: Presidential Borehole Drilling Scheme Spreads to Matebeleland South

Prevail Group International (PGI), which has been contracted to drill approximately 10 000 boreholes countrywide, has spread to Matebelaland South with the team currently installing several boreholes in Thabani village, Tsholotsho.

Apart from drilling boreholes, the company is also installing irrigation facilities under the Presidential Borehole Drilling initiative.

PGI has already taken its borehole drilling initiative to Plumtree as it continues to provide potable water to rural communities.

The programme, overseen by the Zimbabwe National Water Authority (Zinwa), aims to address water challenges as well as transform the livelihoods of residents in rural areas.

It is aligned with the Government's efforts to improve water access in remote communities, supporting both horticulture and domestic usage.

PGI chairperson, Dr Paul Tungwarara said they installed at least 100 boreholes in Buhera before Independence Day celebrations.

"Our role is to provide potable water to the people of Zimbabwe, leaving no one and no place behind.

"In areas we have drilled boreholes so far, people are happy they can now access water from the tap without walking long distances," said Dr Tungwarara.

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