Kenya: Silent Red-Eyes Disease Ravaging Busia Citizens

Teso — An uproar among Busia residents as the Re-eye disease spreads rapidly within the County with doctors now raising an alarm over the outbreak which has become a major concern causing fear among the residents.

The pandemic which broke out in Teso north Sub County barely one month ago, is slowly spreading across the county and to other parties of Uganda as resident mushroom in hospital for the consultation and treatment.

According to Busia county Optician Harriet Kavere, the number of those infected has also tripled within 2 months.

Kavere noted that the disease is caused by a virus known as adenovirus which causes the eye to turn red, swell and discharge some fluids.

"Someone who is infected feels like there are small stones in the eyes and they itch every time."

The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) explains that red eyes can result from many causes including viruses, bacteria, allergens, contact lens use, chemicals, fungi, and certain diseases.

The CDC observes that viruses that cause conjunctivitis include Adenoviruses (the most common), Rubella virus, Rubeola measles virus, Herpes viruses which include, Herpes simplex virus, Varicella-zoster virus (which also causes chickenpox and shingles) and Epstein-Barr virus, which also causes infectious mononucleosis mono as well as Picornaviruses, such as coxsackie virus A24 and enterovirus 70.

According to Kevere the disease is most likely due to Adenovirus, (epidemic serotype), which spreads very fast but rarely does it cause long-term complications to the eyes.

"It is usually self-limiting and therefore needs not to cause any alarm," she notes while adding that the disease is spread by touching the eyes of infected persons or contaminated surfaces then touching your eyes.

She has urged those who notice the symptoms to seek medical attention immediately, "They should go to the right eye doctors and not just to any doctor because the disease has various stages and one needs to be properly examined before they are treated. And an injection is not needed."

The experts are now calling on those with severe symptoms which include redness, discharge, swelling and bleeding to seek medical attention urgently.

"To avoid infection, do not share towels with family members who are affected, disinfect high touch surfaces especially if a family member is infected," residents advised.

The residents are now appealing to the county and national government to take up the matter with the urgency it deserves and mitigate the effects of the outbreak before it spreads to schools where learners interact on a daily basis.


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