Egypt: Shoukry to Meet Macron, Arab FMs in Paris for Talks On Gaza Ceasefire Efforts

Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry traveled to Paris on Friday 24/5/2024 to engage in discussions with several Arab counterparts and French President Emmanuel Macron regarding efforts to secure a ceasefire in Gaza.

The foreign ministers of Egypt, Qatar, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates have been invited by Macron for the ministerial meeting.

Shoukry's visit to Paris reflects France's commitment to coordinating with Arab ministers to advance ceasefire efforts in Gaza, stated Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid.

Abu Zeid emphasized France's dedication to discussing means of ending the humanitarian crisis and providing adequate aid to the people of Gaza.

He also highlighted that the ministerial meeting aims to discuss international and regional initiatives aimed at finding a genuine political solution to address the root causes of the crisis and support the implementation of a two-state solution.

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