South Africa: Keziah Unfazed as She Sits in the Company of Greatness, Jokes Rachel Kolisi

One thing about children, they will humble you, even if you happen to be Swiss tennis player Roger Federer.

The former World No.1 ATP player joined the Kolisis for dinner this past weekend. And while many would pay top dollar to be sitting at the same table as Siya Kolisi and Roger Federer, Siya's daughter Keziah didn't appear to be that impressed.

Sharing a photo of the gang at a restaurant, Rachel Kolisi made fun of the situation and captioned her Instagram post: "Dinner with @rogerfederer and Keziah." In the second image, she zoomed in on Kez's face which showed the look of being completely bored.

It's completely understandable. She's only 7, and listening to the adults speak while trying to entertain herself in a posh restaurant would be just as boring for us.

When an IG user asked, "Does Kez know who she is sitting with?" @mnix_27 gave the perfect response, saying: "To us, these are 2 sporting icons. To her, it's just her Dad and his friend having boring chats. Kids neh."

Rachel and Siya often make fun of Kez's reaction to certain situations, especially when her dad embarrasses her in public.

Last year, the family went on a ski holiday to the French Alps. In one of his posts, Siya could be seen busting a move on the snow-capped slopes. But Kez was not feeling it; she immediately walked away while her dad continued to show off his fire dance.

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