Zimbabwe: High Court Ends Housing Scheme's Leadership Wrangle

The High Court recently resolved the long-standing leadership wrangle at Mupamombe Housing Project in Kadoma, with Justice Tapiwa Chitapi declaring that the committee that was elected on February 17, 2024, is legitimate.

The committee comprises chairperson Mr Final Mirirai, vice-chairperson Mr Naison Naison, Ms Munashe Chidyamazana (secretary) and Mr Anthony Mapindani (coordinator).

Mr Kennedy Paridzira is the treasurer, while Mr Believe Guta and Ms Adella Marufu were elected as committee members.

The power struggle that had started in 2018 had spilled before the High Court, with the three opposing committees wrestling for control over the scheme.

To date, the scheme has over 2 500 beneficiaries, some of whom have already built houses in Mupamombe's Phases 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Founded in 2002, Mupamombe Housing Project was the brainchild of the then Minister of Primary and Secondary Education, the late Dr Enias Chigwedere.

Among other reasons, its main aim was to lobby the Government to provide non-monetary incentives to civil servants, housing included.

It initially targeted to benefit teachers but the scheme's scope was eventually broadened to include all civil servants and pensioners.

Later on, it also took members of the private sector on-board.

In 2002, the Government ceded a piece of land for residential and commercial stands development, which now houses Mupamombe in Ingezi, Kadoma.

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