South Africa: Justice Department Refutes Claims of Cyber-Attack On Payment System

The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development (DOJCD) has denied that it has suffered a cyber-attack following the temporary suspension of its electronic payment system for third-party funds - including that for child maintenance.

The system - called the Mojapay System - was temporarily suspended last week.

"The DOJCD wishes to place on record that there was no cyber-attack but detection of suspected fraudulent activities within the system by Mojapay System managers. This proactive detection underscores the effectiveness of our internal controls and monitoring mechanisms designed to safeguard the integrity of the grant distribution process. Contrary to some media reports, these activities do not constitute a cyber-attack.

"A cyber-attack involves external entities attempting to breach or disrupt a system's operations. In this case, there was no breach or external intrusion. Instead, the issue related to potential fraudulent actions by individuals who may be attempting to exploit the system from within," the department said.

The department moved to assure stakeholders that the system is being "strengthened to prevent and mitigate the risk of future breach attempts".

"Our team is diligently investigating the suspected fraudulent activities and is working closely with the relevant authorities to allow due processes to take place. Ultimately, appropriate actions will be taken against any individuals found responsible.

"We appreciate the media's role in informing the public but request for accurate reporting based on verified information. Mischaracterising the incident as a cyber-attack could cause unnecessary alarm and misinform the public about the nature of the situation," the department said.

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