Angola Plans to Reduce Acute Malnutrition Rate

Luanda — Angola plans to reduce the rate of acute and severe malnutrition in children under five to zero percent by 2050, the first Vice-Speaker of the National Assembly Américo Cononoca said Monday.

Speaking at a workshop on 'the challenges of food security and nutrition in Angola,' organized In Luanda by the National Assembly, the politician said the National Development Plan (PND) 2022-2027 also foresees reducing the percentage of women married before the age of 16 to zero percent.

'Following the United Nations' 2030 and the African Union's 2063 agendas, Angola plans to reduce social inequalities in its action plan, eradicating hunger and extreme poverty, promoting gender equality and solving the multidimensional and cross-cutting challenges to raising the quality of life of the population,' the lawmaker said.

The lawmaker recalled that Angola still faces significant challenges related to food security and access to quality health services, underlining that food security is fundamental, as it guarantees a healthy and dignified life for the population.

Américo Cononoca said the country still has a considerable number of children living with multiple deprivations related to nutrition, health and education, having defended the need to analyze and strengthen public measures and policies that guarantee adequate nutrition for families, solidifying the foundations of society.

The lawmaker spoke of the need for infrastructure and effective public policies to promote agricultural and livestock production, contributing to food and nutritional security in the country.

The workshop brought together MPs, doctors, teachers and members of civil society.

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