Uganda: Naguru Hospital On Drip

The China Uganda friendship hospital also known as Naguru hospital which is pushing for a national referral trauma center is grappling with outdated operating equipment, junk vehicles, absence of a CT scan and limited space for mortuary.

Dr. Emmanuel Tugaineyo, the hospital director told the public accounts committee of Parliament that they were only allocated Shs1 million for maintenance of the junk hospital vehicles from the total budget of shs12.3 billion.

"The ministry of health was very aware that this CT Scan was a must, and as I told you we were supposed to be on the list of regional hospitals to receive one but unfortunately we missed out and we treat people using old versions of CT scan" he said.

The officials further told committee members that it is unfortunate managing a hospital due to be elevated into a national trauma referral center without a CT Scan and limited space for mortuary.

"The equipment is very old and is due for decommissioning but because we don't have a way out and the cost is very high, we have been with equipment for more than 10 years which in medical devise technology is very long" said Engineer Ken Kalungi.

Committee members also discovered that the hospital in question registers between 800-900 deliveries monthly but constrained with resources in terms of delivery beds.

" We deliver between 800-900 mothers per month with only 6 delivery beds with 8 active incubators which is a challenge," Dr. Tugaineyo said.

The China Uganda friendship hospital with 100 capacity beds was constructed by the Chinese government in 2012 to relieve the burden workflow of Mulago hospital.

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