South Africa: Over 20 Percent of Ballots Counted in 2024 Elections

Halfway through the first day of vote counting in South Africa's 2024 National and Provincial Elections, over 20% of votes have been tallied.

This is as of 2pm on Thursday at 4 710 out of 23 293 voting districts.

The Electoral Commission's (IEC) results dashboard shows that the African National Congress (ANC) currently leads the polls with 43.51%, followed by the Democratic Alliance (DA) with 24.65%.

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) is sitting at 8.85%, while the uMKhonto we Sizwe (MK Party) is at around 8.11% and 4.07% for the Patriotic Alliance (PA).

Millions of South Africans took to the polls to make their mark in the National and Provincial Elections on Wednesday with many facing long, snaking queues, reminiscent of the 1994 elections.

Polls closed at 9pm last night but all citizens who were in the line were allowed to exercise their democratic right to vote for their party of choice.

The IEC said the counting of ballots occurs at the voting station where the votes are cast.

Party agents, independent candidate agents, and observers oversee the entire counting and results process and are present at all times.

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