Uganda: Mrs Museveni Asks Umea Schools to Protect Learners From Globalization Challenges

The Minister for Education, Janet Kataaha Museveni, has called on all UMEA-affiliated schools to focus on protecting learners from the challenges of globalization.

She urged teachers to ensure students are well grounded and equipped with leadership skills to combat the corruption and declining morality in society.

"I appeal to teachers to ensure that learners under their care are fully grounded and equipped with leadership skills to confront the vices of corruption and morality that are prevalent among the young generation," she said.

Mrs Museveni made the remarks as inaugurated the state-of-the-art UMEA building in Kibuli.

The building, which features modern apartments, office spaces, and conference facilities, was constructed by UMEA, an organisation that brings together Muslim educational institutions.

Mrs Museveni expressed her gratitude to Prince Nakibinge Kakungulu for his inclusive approach to education, and also honored the legacy of Prince Badru Kakungulu, the founder of UMEA, for his visionary efforts in advancing Muslim education in Uganda.

"We appreciate Prince Kakungulu's foresightedness in planning for the education of Muslim children. It is vital for the younger generation to uphold this legacy and seize every educational opportunity available."

The minister called on learners to take advantage of the available education opportunities to become valuable citizens.

During the inauguration ceremony, Prince Kassim Nakibinge, the titular head of Muslims in Uganda, appreciated UMEA's efforts, saying this building will serve as a reliable source of revenue for the education of needy Muslims.

"We have had financial challenges looking after the needy children; their building will help us raise funds to cater for that" says Nakibinge

It is hoped that this facility will significantly contribute to the education sector, allowing UMEA to help more children acquire education.

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