Uganda: Busia MP Macho Wants Proof of Corruption to Sign Censure Motion

Busia Municipality MP Geoffrey Macho declined to sign the censure motion against the four parliamentary commissioners, saying he needed proof of accountability of the signatures.

Lwemiyaga County MP Theodore Ssekikubo is seeking 177 signatures to get the censure of Esther Afoyochan (Zombo Woman - NRM), Prossy Akampulira Mbabazi (Rubanda Woman - NRM}, Solomon Silwany (Bukooli Central - NRM}, and Mathias Mpuuga (Nyendo-Mukungwe -NUP) on the floor of Parliament.

The quartet is accused of corruption and abuse of office over negotiating a controversial service award to a tune of Shs1.7 billion in total without the approval of the House.

But Macho, of the ruling National Resistance Movement just like Ssekikubo, is not ready to append his signature just yet.

" came to sign today and l was not able to but Honourable Theodore Ssekikubo should provide proof," Macho noted.

"Bring proof of corruption and a copy will be enough for me to sign. Political parties should strengthen us rather than just dividing us as we approach elections."

Junior minister for lands Persis Namuganza earlier in the week made headlines by signing the censure motion and urging fellow ministers and ruling party legislators to do the same to fight corruption.

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