Southern Africa: CCC Piles Pressure On SADC to Resolve Zimbabwe's 2023 Elections Results Dispute Ahead of Summit

Citizens' Coalition for Change (CCC) defacto administrator, Jameson Timba, has challenged Southern African Development Community (SADC) leaders to provide the people of Zimbabwe with a conclusive resolution to the disputed outcome of 2023 general elections.

Timba's remarks come as SADC prepares to hold its annual summit in Zimbabwe this August.

The CCC faction loyal to former leader, Nelson Chamisa, has maintained last year's plebiscites were rigged in favour of the ruling Zanu PF party, a claim that has been echoed by various domestic and international observer missions.

Timba, who was addressing journalist at the end of a CCC National Assembly meeting in Harare last week, said the poll outcome was a "charade" and "illegitimate," and called on SADC to pronounce itself on the matter during its upcoming summit.

"The outcome of the election, which was condemned by all the civilized world, including our region, was not a reflection of the will of the people of Zimbabwe.

"It was a charade and it's outcome illegitimate.

"The assembly also further resolved it is taking into account that the SADC summit will be held in the month of August, that SADC should pronounce itself on the question put to it with respect to the outcome of August 2023 election," he said.

He insisted State institutions and the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) denied citizens the right to decide on a leader of their choice.

"From August 23, it was clear that the regime had no intention of letting anyone participate in a free contest to determine who should govern this country.

"State institutions, in particular ZEC, did everything in their power to deny Zimbabweans their right to choose their leaders in a free and fair election.

"Against all odds, Zimbabweans stayed the course. They stayed in queues for up to 4am to exercise their rights to choose their leaders," said Timba.

"Zimbabweans want answers from SADC. We made a submission to yourself regarding our concerns on the election that took place in August 2023.

"The people of Zimbabwe demand that SADC provides them with an answer. We expect SADC to account to the people of Zimbabwe who are the sovereign and at the end of the day the members of SADC," added the veteran opposition politician.

Chamisa has been exerting pressure on the regional bloc to nullify the poll outcome but attempts to talk with SADC to resolve the disputed August 2023 elections matter seems to have hit a brick wall.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa's administration, which is making arrangements to host the high-profile SADC summit in August, is steadfast in denying it rigged elections, insisting the polls were free and fair, and therefore water under the bridge.

Mnangagwa is set to assume the rotational SADC chairmanship during the upcoming August event.

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