South Africa: Posts of Twitter Past Come Back to Haunt Dr Musa

One thing about the internet, whatever you put out there, it will stay on the world wide web forever.

A 2013 X post (formerly Twitter) from Dr Musa Mthombeni was dug up by burner account ChrisExcel, causing many online users to share their thoughts on the matter.

Sharing screenshots of the doctor's posts on dark-skinned women, X users brought up the topic of colourism and his wife, former Miss SA Liesl Laurie Mthombeni.

Always one to stir up some sort of drama, ChrisExcel claimed the radiologist "hates black women" in response to someone asking if he's with Liesl because of the colour of her skin.

Some called out ChrisExcel for causing controversy and taking his posts out of context, which was his response to a quoted tweet.

An X user accused the account of making up things: "Lol you're reaching President! Those aren't even his tweets bro, this is not right."

Another referenced the quote tweet: "The fact that he quoted them means, he resonates with the statement..."

Dr Musa and Liesl Laurie are often the targets of online trolls, whether they're sharing their latest vacation photos or loving each other out loud.

It seems no matter what the couple does, they just can't win, resulting in them remaining silent in response to nasty, unfounded rumours.

This time, however, many come out in Musa's defence. "Heh bathong he just laughed mos. He didn't say all these things. How long have you been on Twitter? Leave Musa alone!"

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