Zimbabwe: President Reassures Freedom of Worship

The Second Republic is working to ensure all religions have places to congregate as freedom of worship is guaranteed for everyone in Zimbabwe in terms of the national Constitution, Vice President Kembo Mohadi has said.

He said this over the weekend when addressing the Vapostori and MaZion for ED National Prayer in Harare, where he was representing President Mnangagwa.

Since the advent of the Second Republic, President Mnangagwa has continued to reiterate the immeasurable role played by churches in nation building.

Said VP Mohadi: "The President has told me to inform you that Vapostori and MaZion you should worship without any worries or hindrances in our free country.

"His Excellency (the President) wishes to assure you of the freedom of worship and to ensure that every religion shall have a place to worship. As your leadership, we urge churches to observe and uphold such religious practices as providential."

VP Mohadi said one of the aims of the liberation struggle was to ensure freedom of worship, adding that the country's independence should be guarded jealously.

"We want peace in Zimbabwe, we are champions of democracy that is why we fought 16 years of a protracted liberation war. We fought for peace, we fought for democracy; we fought for justice, kusanganisira gutsaruzhinji.

"President Mnangagwa's ministers and his Government are here to help you in all your current and future endeavours and your economic development projects. Let us all be united and guard jealously the gains of our liberation struggle," he said.

The Second Republic, added VP Mohadi, was most grateful to the prayers that the church makes for the country as such prayers were leading Zimbabwe on its ongoing developmental trajectory.

"You first invited the President, His Excellency, on 3 June, 2023 at Zimbabwe Grounds where he launched his historic and patriotic mantra, which is in trinity and it reads; 'Nyika inovakwa nevene vayo, Nyika inotongwa nevene vayo, Nyika inonamatirwa nevene vayo.

"Truly, you showed that 'nyika inonamatirwa nevene vayo because you prayed for the victory of Zanu PF at Zimbabwe Grounds; you mobilised new voters within Vapostori and MaZion churches and you voted for Zanu PF victory," he said.

VP Mohadi said President Mnangagwa was urging the church to equally intercede for the country during the drought period caused by low rains due to the El Nino phenomenon.

"It is the President's wish for you to pray for Government ceaselessly for a good rainy season this year, following the El Nino-induced drought which ravaged us last year.

"President Mnangagwa has guaranteed that no one will die of hunger and no place will be affected by hunger," he said.

The President, added VP Mohadi, was encouraging youths and women in churches to also be beneficiaries of the Presidential Scholarship programme and various facilities available to them.

"President Mnangagwa has sent me to tell you that children of Vapostori and MaZion with necessary requirements should be given scholarships under the Presidential scholarship facility.

"He sent me to remind the women here that there are loans at the Women's Bank and the Youth Empowerment Bank, which are available to them to boost their projects and businesses."

He also said the President was disheartened to learn that opposition-led urban councils were harassing churches, especially Vapositori, at their places of worship, and called for those attacks to end immediately.

"The opposition parties are the ones with councillors fighting Vapostori taking their shrines and places of worship whilst they are promoting land barons and corruption.

"The city councils should respect the freedom of religion in Zimbabwe," said VP Mohadi.

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