Uganda: Parliament Alumni Elects New Leadership

The Association of the Parliamentary Alumni of Uganda (PAU), an umbrella of former Members of Parliament has held an extra ordinary general meeting where they elected new members of association's executive in accordance with Articles 6 and 8(1) respectively, of the constitution of the association.

The Annual General Meeting which attracted several Ex MPs deliberated on how they can remain steady fact and resourceful to the welfare of its members and also contribute to the development of the nation.

"We remain senior leaders in our communities and there need to offer strategic direction and guidance whenever there is need," Jacqueline Kyatuheire, the association's chairperson said in her remarks.

"It is also important for us to meet, bond and chart a way forward for our lives since many of us are in an advance age."

The association also was able to elect an executive leadership to steer the members missions and visions for the next two years.

Jacqueline Kyatuheire, former Kanungu Woman Member of Parliament who also doubles as the NRM Deputy National Treasurer, was re-elected as the Chairperson of the association, beating former MP Fred Jachan Omach.

While addressing the AGM shortly after election, Kyatuheire and her new executive expressed optimism that the association will thrive and vowed to steer it towards achieving its goals, fostering a sense of community among former legislators, and leveraging their collective expertise to contribute to Uganda's development.

The newly elected leaders include Jacqueline Kyatuheire as chairperson, Fred Omach as vice chairperson, Capt John Emilly Otekat as secretary, Jova Kamateka as vice secretary, and Gaudioso Tindamanyire as treasurer.

Other committee members are Ssenyonga Muyanja(central region), Mary Amajo Oriekot( eastern region), Pilo Santos( Northern region) and Dorah Byamukama( western region)

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