Malawi: DPP Condemns Arrest of Activist Kambanje Who Allegedly Forged Someone's Signature

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has condemned in strongest terms what it calls "crackdown on activists" by the ruling Malawi Congress Party (MCP) with particular reference to the arrest of Edward Kambanje.

Kambanje, who is a human rights leader, was arrested by the Malawi Police Service (MPS) allegedly for forging a signature of a certain lady on a calling for an investigation into the alleged corruption practices by the Minister of Finance, Simplex Chithyola, and her daughter.

In a press release signed by DPP's spokesperson, Shadric Namalomba, the party argues that such actions by the MCP are retrogressive, barbaric and undemocratic with the intentions of suppressing criticism and opposition against looting of state resources.

"Malawians have not forgotten the MCP brutality and terror during their 26 years of one party state. Our forefathers and mothers fought and defeated this old dictatorial regime of MCP. We believed we could freely express ourselves, our thoughts and feelings of frustration, pain and or disapproval against any state of inhumanity and impunity. We hoped that we could freely get our leaders to account for the power given to them to rule over us. This was so, until regrettably the coming in of MCP with its leader, Chakwera in 2020," reads part of the press release.

The DPP has further registered utmost regret and frustration with the Malawi Police Service which it says is now on a spree of dereliction of core duty of protecting all Malawians regardless of their colour, political affiliation or region.

"We call upon the Inspector General of Police to introspect and ask herself difficult questions on the kind of legacy she would love to leave in the country. Under her watch, we have also seen an increase spark of political violence perpetrated by MCP zealots which the Malawi Police Service chooses not to bring the culprits to book," writes Namalomba.

The DPP has therefore called for an immediate release of Kambanje. It has also called the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) and all law enforcing agencies in the country not to hide under the carpet the reported unsubstantiated wealth of the Minister of Finance and her daughter.

"It is imperative to stress that Malawi is undergoing a revolution that not even those in power can stop. Malawians are sick and tired of a regime that mercilessly rules with impunity. Malawians are leading a silent revolution that will unearth the regime in power out of its grip in September 2025," reads the conclusion of the press release.

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