South Africa: Sacci Welcomes Outcome of the 2024 Elections

The South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SACCI) has welcomed the outcome of the 2024 National and Provincial Elections held last week.

SACCI said the outcome of the vote reflects the will of the people.

"We congratulate South Africans who filed in the long queues to make their voices heard and did so in an orderly and peaceful manner. Our democracy is indeed a vibrant one with free political contestation and multi-party contestation," SACCI said in a statement.

It also commended the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC), which, despite challenges, continues to execute its mandate with credibility.

SACCI said it is looking forward to working with the new administration.

"Given the lack of an outright majority party to lead South Africa, we call on all the political parties to prioritise the interests of the people of South Africa first in putting together a coalition that will take the country forward. Foremost should be the alleviation of high levels of unemployment, building a meritocracy and sustainable and inclusive economic growth, and ridding the state and the private sector of corruption.

"Political stability and policy certainty are the fundamental hallmarks that will drive business and investor sentiment. Political parties have an opportunity to unite South Africa for the better development of the republic and the continent," SACCI said.

It added that there are a number of successful developed countries that are run by coalition governments from whom "we can learn in managing the instability problems, inherent in coalitions".

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