Kenya: 100 Kenyan Students to Undergo Cybersecurity Training

Nairobi — 100 Kenyan students will be trained on cybersecurity security skills in a deal between the Microsoft Africa Development Centre (ADC) and Cyber Shujaa.

The three-month programme will admit the first cohort of 70 undergraduate students and 30 graduate students with less than two years of work experience through eight cybersecurity modules.

The course will follow a hybrid learning model, with theoretical and practical training provided one-on-one in the classroom and weekly mentorship sessions.

"This program is one of several ADC initiatives aimed at improving skill development in Kenya's tech industry. Although cybersecurity is critical to operations in many sectors, it has remained under-resourced in terms of human capital," said Catherine Muraga, Managing Director of Microsoft ADC.

"This is the ADC's contribution to establishing Kenya as the go-to destination for cybersecurity professionals, and we are delighted to do so with Cyber Shujaa. The participants will receive two Microsoft cybersecurity certificates, putting them in a better position to secure roles in the industry," Muraga added.

Cyber Shujaa, which is comprised of Serianu Limited, USIU-Africa, and the Kenya Bankers Association, trains youth in cybersecurity and data protection and has already provided competency-based skills training to over 500 individuals.

"By collaborating with industry leaders like Microsoft ADC and leveraging the expertise of Serianu, USIU-Africa, and KBA, we are able to offer specialized training that directly addresses the skills gap in the cybersecurity industry," said Lola Omole-Odubekun, Interim Vice-Chancellor, USIU-Africa.

According to the Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2023, cyberthreats have become more sophisticated, faster, and larger in scale, posing challenges to the security and resilience of the online ecosystem.

The report also highlights the importance of basic security hygiene, strong partnerships, and AI innovation to combat evolving threats and protect the digital domain.

"In 2016, we launched the Cyber Immersion Program with just 8 students. By 2021, the Cyber Shujaa partnership was established, and we trained students from 67 universities nationwide in our inaugural cohort," William Makatiani, CEO of Serianu, stated.

"One of our key goals is to increase gainful and high-quality employment among youth who have skills in cybersecurity and data protection," Makatiani said.

"So far, we've managed to place more than 745 individuals in key roles within the industry after they completed their training with us. This programme with Microsoft ADC presents an opportunity to grow our network as well as provide key skills required in the industry," added William Makatiani.

According to a recent Kaspersky Cybersecurity analysis, 41% of companies around the world lack enough cybersecurity professionals.

Furthermore, the World Economic Forum and ISC2 report stated that there is a 4 million cybersecurity professional shortage that must be addressed urgently.

Speaking during the launch, Igor Sakhnov, Corporate Vice President, Engineering at Microsoft, said that this partnership is not only timely but is envisioned to bring a much-needed boost to the industry, especially in Africa.

Participants in the programme will receive training in eight areas: network security, application security, cloud security, incident response, security architecture, IoT security, and forensics.

The cybersecurity upskilling programme joins Microsoft ADC initiatives aimed at improving skills and experience within the tech sector, including the faculty upskilling programme, Game of Learners, and the Women Inspiring and Nurturing Women (WINS) mentorship programme.

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