Tanzania: Protect Us From Hackers, Batuli Asks Govt

Famous Actress in the country, Yobnesh Yusuph alias Batuli has urged the government to come up with better systems that will control hackers in the film industry so as to allow them to fully benefit from their various works.

Commenting on the various challenges facing the industry in the country, Miss Batuli stated that illegal business has reduced the rate of sales of original works.

"We also need the right rules and regulations for an acting career. The challenge we are facing now is that most of these new actors have not gone through the acting classes like we do, but just because of some popularity, they are engaged into acting thus practice with no morals and ethics," Batuli noted.

ALSO READ: With education on cybercrime, eyes are opened

Moreover, Ms Batuli also asked the government to set aside some special areas that will be used exclusively for acting purposes.

Recently, during the launching of Tanzania's famous bongo flava artist, Harmonize, President Samia Suluhu Hassan pledged to support all artists in the country, saying she will begin travelling with them to her various work visits so as to open doors for them globally.

The President's word during the inaugural event was immediately put in practice in her ongoing trip to the Republic of Korea, accompanied by various top government officials including film directors and actresses in the country.

In Seoul, she managed to bring together Tanzania's directors and actors with those in the Republic of Korea for strong partnership in the film industry.

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