Mozambique: Will They Rubber Stamp a Huge Crime? STAE Asks CNE to Approve Registration of 1.2 mn Voters Who Do Not Exist

STAE has submitted to CNE for approval this week the final list 17.2 mn registered voters. But 1.2 mn of them cannot exist and must be false. Will the CNE approve?

The highly respected National Statistics Institute (INE) gave the CNE the numbers of how many voting age adults there are this year in each district. We have compared this with the number of registered voters, and find that 89 districts have registered 1.2 mn more voters than INE says there are voting age adults in those districts. This is 7% of the 16.8 mn registered inside Mozambique, and it is 1.2 mn voters who simply cannot exist.

We find more voters registered than the INE says exist in nearly all provinces:

Gaza again leads the list with 400,000 fraudulent registrations, which is an more than five years ago when the total was only 330,000. In Gaza the INE data says that 37% of all registered voters do not exist. But the numbers of impossible voters is so high in every district of Gaza and Inhambane provinces that there must have been organised criminal activity. And it should be easy to investigate, first of all looking for addresses which don't exist or have many registered voters in the same house, and second looking for repeated photos.

But in Zambezia, Sofala, Niassa, Tete and Maputo city it occurred in fewer than half of districts, suggesting it was not organised provincially.

And it some provinces it was quite isolated. In Maputo city it was just one district, Nlhamankulu. In Tete two thirds of the false registrations were in a single district, Moatize. In Sofala half of false registrations were in Muanza and in Niassa half of false registrations were in Lago.

Will the CNE simply rubber stamp the STAE report, or will it order an investigation of this major organised crime?

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