Uganda: Activists Call for Open Conversation On Menstrual Hygiene to Keep Girls in School

Activists championing menstrual hygiene have called for an open conversation on menstrual hygiene management to ensure girls remain in school.

Ms Noor Nakibuuka Musisi, deputy executive director of the Centre for Health, Human Rights, and Development (CEHURD), said there is urgent need for Members of Parliament to allocate budgetary resources for the Teso and Karamoja regions, which currently depend heavily on private support.

Ms Musisi highlighted several key actions in the call to action: initiating open discussions on menstrual hygiene management, allocating budget for local production of menstrual products in Teso and Karamoja, and developing a comprehensive strategy for menstrual hygiene management.

By addressing these issues, the goal is to keep girls in school and significantly transform their lives.

The plea from private actors serves as a crucial reminder to prioritise menstrual hygiene management in Uganda.

"One of the things that we think is important is to start a conversation around and to openly speak about menstrual hygiene ,but also most importantly is to members of parliament to think about budget allocation for menstrual hygiene products," she said.

Ms Betty Angiro, senior probation officer and community development officer of Katakwi District, stressed the importance of empowering girls to take control of their menstrual health.

She noted that providing the necessary support and education on menstrual hygiene can have a transformative impact on girls' lives.

Mr Joseph Mulinde, a representative from the Kiyita Family Alliance for Development (KIFAD), echoed this sentiment, stating, "Menstrual hygiene has significantly impacted the lives of girls in Teso, and we need to address it urgently."

Some Members of Parliament from the affected areas also see the need for special grants to support girls and the elderly in accessing menstrual hygiene products.

Christopher Komakech, MP for Aruu County, and Faith Nakut Loru Chuna, Woman MP for Napak, have voiced their support for increased funding and resources dedicated to this cause.

A recent report by CEHURD, KIFAD, and the Straight Talk Foundation revealed that women and girls in these regions face multiple hurdles in managing menstrual hygiene.

These challenges highlight the necessity for sustained efforts and collaboration between private actors and government bodies to ensure no girl misses school due to a lack of menstrual hygiene products and education.

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