Mauritius: Blue Economy - Minister Maudhoo Launches the National Blue Carbon Task Force

A National Blue Carbon Task Force aiming to bring stakeholders to work collaboratively so as to achieve net zero carbon emission was launched, today, by the Minister of Blue Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries and Shipping, Mr Sudheer Maudhoo, at the Albion Fisheries Research Centre in presence of the Acting High Commissioner of Australia to Mauritius, Ms Katie Lalor.

The Project Leader for the Blue Carbon Project in Mauritius, Dr Sundy Ramah, elaborated on the conservation and rehabilitation of seagrass ecosystems and the determination of carbon sequestration capacity of seagrasses in Mauritius.

Minister Maudhoo, at the outset, underlined that the setting up of the National Blue Carbon Task Force will help to work towards capacity building, nature-based solutions as well as bring forth recommendations and finance adaptation opportunities on a national level. He extended appreciation to the Government of Australia for the unparalleled support provided to Mauritius as regards the project of assessing seagrass status around the island which started in 2019 and concluded in 2024.

"It is to be noted that the blue carbon component of the project was carried out in close collaboration with scientist friends from the Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation and the Indian Ocean Rim Association Indian Ocean Blue Carbon Hub from Perth, Australia", said the Blue Economy Minister.

"Mass sensitisation campaigns have also been conducted last year around the island as well as information boards on the protection and conservation of seagrass have been placed at the five seagrass meadows of importance namely Poste Lafayette, Mont Choisy, Albion, Le Morne and Mahebourg", added Mr Sudheer Maudhoo.

The Minister also spoke on the significant role of mangroves, seagrasses and tidal marshes in the conservation of the ecosystems as well as in mitigating climate change.

The Acting Australian High Commissioner, on her part, dwelt on the long history of collaboration between both countries with regard to the blue economy, adding that Australian Scientists have been working with officers of the Ministry to build their knowledge on blue carbon.

The launch of the taskforce, pointed out Ms Lalor, is an important milestone in the protection of the blue carbon ecosystem to achieving a net zero island as well as creating a blue carbon finance mechanism.

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