Zimbabwe: Zanu-PF Sets Cell Day Date

THE ruling Zanu PF party, will have a National Cell Day on June 11, to mark the beginning of a sustained membership recruitment exercise, which is also aimed at taking stock of its members.

The National Cell Day was introduced in 2022 to rejuvenate and account for grassroots membership, with the revolutionary party aiming to strengthen the party's organisational and mass mobilisation units.

President Mnangagwa and members of the First Family are expected to mark the day at their party cell structure in Kwekwe on June 11.

Zanu PF National Political Commissar, Cde Munyaradzi Machacha, said party members are expected to turn out and attend meetings at places they usually hold cell meetings.

A cell structure constitutes of 50 members or more.

"We are expecting party members to turn out to their respective cells as a demonstration that the cells exist and also to give power to the cell leadership so that they know that their positions require them to meet with their members on a regular basis," he said.

The cell leaders should come up with initiatives which benefit their communities, such as road maintenance, borehole rehabilitation and doing voluntary work at their respective clinics and dip-tanks.

"Cell chairpersons should have an agenda for discussions on those meetings and to try and influence the events around their own localities, such as improving their own welfare, improving the conditions of their clinics, their schools or even repairing roads in their areas of jurisdiction that lead to the main feeder roads that may lead to cities," said Cde Machacha.

Cde Machacha said emphasis is on the importance of the cell or village structure as the basic grassroots organisational and mobilisation unit of the party.

All party members including the Presidium are expected to attend meetings at their respective cells to be chaired by cell chairpersons.

In marking the National Cell Day, Cde Machacha said the revolutionary party would be instilling a sense of ownership and appreciation of the cell as a key organ of the party.

Members are expected to undertake structure verification exercise, inspection of the cell register and confirmation of cell members who are registered in the national voters roll.

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