Uganda: Martyrs Day - EOC's Bishop Kibuuka Talk Tough Against Corruption, Homosexuality

The chairperson of Christian Ecumenical Council of Uganda (CECU) who also doubles as the presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Orthodox Church in Uganda Jacinto Kibuuka has condemned vices like corruption and homosexuality which he says have eaten up the country.

Speaking during Martyrs day celebrations at Mamre International Prayer Centre in Namugongo, Kibuuka accused the West of imposing homosexuality on African countries against their will.

"As we are celebrating Martyrs' day there are a lot of vices imposed to us Christian Africans by the west such as homosexuality and lesbianism especially among the youth. We are threatened by the culture of gay, abortion, contraceptive, human sacrifices and violation of human rights, prostitution, cruel way of stealing and all kinds of moral decadency. All these are challenges we are facing as a society, Christians, religious leaders and the country at large" said Bishop Kibuuka.

He said that corruption, nepotism, religious intolerance, greed, land grabbing and murders are still plaguing the country, noting that it is high time Ugandans took lessons from the death of the martyrs.

"As we celebrate the Martyrs' day, let's do away with the evil acts and only stick to truth, honesty, be faithful to our God, have genuine concern for others, and be peace makers in everything no matter what," he said.

"Let us be genuine and upright in whatever we are doing because amidst all the challenges God is still on the throne and He calls us to fear not because He is with us in all situations."

Elgon North County in Bulambuli District , Gerald Nangoli who was the guest of honour urged Christians to emulate the devotion of Uganda Martyrs in whatever they do.

"We can suffer, we can go through all the challenges and channels but at the end of the day there people who will benefit from your suffering that's why we are celebrating the martyrs. As Uganda especially at this time when corruption is at its peak, we should pray that Ugandans especially those stealing public funds and use it to build mansions on daily basis change for good and mind about their legacy," Nangoli said.

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