Uganda: Church of Uganda Clears Shs60bn Church House Loan

The Archbishop of the Church of Uganda, the Rev Dr Stephen Samuel Kaziimba Mugalu, has announced that the church has cleared the Shs60 billion loan used to build Church House.

Mugalu stated that the Church of Uganda now fully owns Church House.

"We have successfully paid off the debt. Church House now fully belongs to the Church of Uganda," he said during the Martyrs Day celebrations in Namugongo.

Mugalu expressed gratitude to his predecessors, President Museveni, bishops, Christians from all dioceses, and all supporters, both Anglican and non-Anglican, who contributed through love gifts and other means to clear the debt.

He also appreciated Equity Bank for renting eight floors, with the 13th floor hosting the Church of Uganda's Family TV.

The Archbishop noted that the church invites more partnerships on religious tourism, mentioning the potential development of sites like Bishop Hannington's and Archbishop Janan Luwum's burial sites.

Mugalu also appreciated President Museveni's pledge to support the development of these religious tourist sites.

In 2021, the Church launched the "Yes, We Can!" fundraising campaign at All Saints' Cathedral, Kampala, to save the church from debts.

The campaign aimed to raise 1,000,000 "Love Gifts" of Shs60,000 each to clear the construction loans on Church House.

Previously, the Church of Uganda was in crisis talks following reports that the multi-billion Church House building on Kampala Road was at risk of being auctioned over an unpaid Shs48 billion debt.

Equity Bank had extended Shs41 billion towards the construction of the 16-story building and was demanding Shs40 billion in repayment.

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