Malawi: Chilima Leads Busy Schedule for Malawi Delegation At Korea-Africa Summit

Vice President Saulos Chilima is leading a busy schedule at the Korea-Africa Summit in Seoul as the summit kicked off today, Tuesday.

Malawi has already signed trade deals with South Korea.

The summit is aimed at forging strategic partnerships and planning to present a compelling case to tap from financial deals on offer at the summit.

At stake is the multi-billion dollar offer to African countries through concessional loans amounting to USD 10 billion and USD 14 billion for Korean companies to expand their footprint into the African countries.

Said Chilima: "Therefore, for us, we are looking at this as Korea-Malawi Summit. We have our own expectations. In the next few days, we will be updating what we have managed to accomplish.

"We don't take such summits for fun. These are intended to benefit the country."

Today, Chilima held several side meetings highlighting Malawi's potential as a gateway to the Southern African Development Community market.

He met South Korea's President Yoon Suk Yeol and First Lady Kim Keon-hee after meeting former United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon.

The Vice President has since held talks with former UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon who now heads the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), an intergovernmental organization supporting and promoting sustainable economic growth in developing countries currently with 48 member states.

Vice President appealed to the former UN Secretary General to consider assisting and working with Malawi to fight climate change, arguing that global warming is a threat to food security.

In his immediate positive response, Ki-moon said if Malawi joined GGGI as a member she stands to benefit from a lot of support for social economic development.

"Addressing these climate change issues, greening your economy, we have experts, and we can even establish an office in your country to work with your government on green economy," said Ki-Moon.

Later in the afternoon, the Vice President addressed a High-Level Panel discussion on Forestry and Desertification hosted by the Korea Forest Service and the UN Convention on Desertification.

"Together, we can leverage on advanced technologies, share best practices and mobilize resources to combat deforestation and desertification very effectively," said the Veep.

The last activity of the day on Monday was the Welcome Dinner for Heads of State and Heads of Delegations hosted by President Suk Yeol and First Lady Kim Keon Hee.

The Vice President's busy schedule reflects the summit's theme, "Partnership for Progress," and demonstrates Africa's determination to strengthen ties with Korea and enhance global cooperation.

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