Uganda: Govt Moves to Regulate Traditional Medicine

WHO supports scientifically-proven traditional medicine (file photo).

The Ugandan government is intensifying efforts to regulate traditional medicine production, addressing a growing public interest in these remedies.

Many people use traditional medicine but are often unaware of the proper dosages, posing potential health risks.

The National Drug Authority (NDA) is working tirelessly to eliminate the use of untested traditional medicines.

In collaboration with manufacturers, the NDA aims to improve the quality of these products through rigorous discussions and clinical testing.

Many rural residents rely heavily on herbal medicines, sourced either from local plants or traditional healers.

However, the lack of dosage information is a significant issue.

To combat this, the NDA partnered with manufacturers, resulting in the testing and approval of over 200 herbal medicine brands now available in drug shops and pharmacies.

According to Jamil Lutakome the president National Herbalists Association, they are closely working with National Drug Authority and the Ministry Science, Technology and innovation to have their medical go through clinical trials despite the many checks they have to undergo before certification.

This partnership ensures that herbal medicines undergo necessary testing and approval processes before being sold domestically or internationally.

The Superintendent Industrial Value Chains Development Ministry of Science, technology and innovation Dr. Cosmas Mwikirize says drug manufacturers face substantial financial losses due to non-compliance with standards.

Despite 60% of the population using these traditional remedies, they often pay unfair prices.

Additionally, untested medicines cannot be exported, further impacting revenue.

"If you haven't taken that drug for clinical trial you cannot sale it in a pharmacy, you can't take it to the international market, NDA can allow you when they give you a notification when you have completed a little bit of the process but your drug cannot be prescribed by a doctor" Dr. Mwikirize stated

To enhance research and improve the quality of traditional medicines, the government has established research centers at various universities, including Busitema and Mbarara.

These centers aim to support on going efforts in ensuring the safety and effectiveness of traditional medicines.

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