Sudanese Diplomat Elected As Vice-Chairman of the Legal Committee of UN General Assembly

New York — The United Nations General Assembly unanimously elected the diplomat at the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Sudan to the United Nations in New York, Ammar Mohamed Mahmoud, to the position of Vice-Chairman of the Sixth Committee of the General Assembly during the seventy-ninth session of the General Assembly, where he will represent the continent of Africa in the office of the committee responsible for discussing issues related to international law.

This election indicates the international community's recognition of Sudan's active presence in the business of the United Nations, and its efforts to strengthen the rule of law at the local, regional and international levels despite the delicate circumstances that the country is going through. It also confirms the confidence enjoyed by Sudanese diplomacy and its cadres on the international arena.

In addition to managing the meetings of the Legal Committee, the Vice-Chairman of the Sixth Committee, among its four other members representing various continents of the world, sets the agenda and determines the priorities of the General Assembly meetings related to legal affairs. The committee's agenda includes issues on a discussion of measures aim at eliminating international terrorism, the role of the rule of law nationally and internationally, the scope of application of the principle of universal jurisdiction, and the responsibility of states for internationally wrongful acts. BH/BH

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